Tuesday, July 19, 2016

10 months young

And just like that, Walker Roo is 10 months old.  Our chunky monkey can turbo crawl, pull himself up on everything, and loves to babble.  He says "mama" and daddy is practicing "dada" every day.  Our baby can't get enough of his brothers or the swimming pool and his eyes light up whenever he gets in his high chair.  He's slowed down on the weight gain and is steady at 20 pounds and 8 teeth.  I know he'll be walking before we're ready for it and he's learned how to crawl up the stairs but getting down remains a challenge.  Babies are sweet, but oh man this little boy takes the cake.  His smile melts me, how are we so close to ONE already???

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

And that's a Wrap

Swim lessons came to an official close today, and while I hope and pray that Miss Angela comes back next year, I think I may have to be okay with this being the last time she teaches my kiddos (cue my tears!).  To say I think ISR is the ultimate gift and most amazing skills you can give your kiddos is an understatement.  What Miss Angela did for our family can NEVER be talked about enough...our boys love the water, have confidence with their swims and floats, and I have one more layer of protection when it comes to water safety.  It's said every day that the first line of defense if parent supervision, then a barrier, then swimming skills, and I am so thankful we have all of them in place.  You can never be too careful around water, and I want all our kiddos to be able to respect and enjoy swimming.  Here are some snaps from lessons- I have awesome video on my instagram.

Friday, July 8, 2016

The First Day I Woke Up

Today was the first day I woke up knowing my dad has cancer.  We haven't shared the news yet as we've waited for the doctors' appointments and diagnosis to come in.  I feel like cancer is something that effects everybody, but it is still surreal when your family is the one hearing those words.  My dad has prostrate cancer, and in the world of cancers, if you had to have one, this would be the one to get. It is operable, has a VERY high cure rate, and the doctors all seem optimistic that with the surgery next month, he will be able to say he's cancer free as soon as they remove the infected area.  Everyone is nervous for next month, but with anticipation of a new baby coming just two weeks before his surgery, we are all optimistic and sure everything will go okay, we just know it will.   In the meantime, as we wait for surgery day, we're taking in all the extra play time and crazy dad antics we can get.  We love you Papa and can't wait to help nurse you back to your 100% healthy self!

Saturday, July 2, 2016

A Master Yoda Party for the Books

Wyatt insisted on a Master Yoda party and we both had a blast planning it for the last few months.  I did an official party recap over on the other blog, but here are some shots from the big day.  To say he enjoyed himself would be an understatement.  Parties may be stressful and a whole lot of work, but to see your child shine and feel so special on their big day, well that makes it all worth it.  I don't think there's been a day where our kiddos' happiness radiates as much as it does when they are being loved on during their birthday.  Wyatt Bear, a happy birthday you will have!


Happy Third Birthday Wyatt Bear

Today the boy who made Wesley a brother and me an official "boy mama" turned THREE!!  He just figured out his age about a week ago and now there is no denying it...we will never be able to pass him off as two since he tells everyone how old he is (so long free movie tickets!).  Sweet Wyatt Bear, this last year has been one of huge growth...you came into your own and your personality has been blossoming.  You have an opinion of your own and you want everyone, especially your big brother, to know it.  I think the 2 to 3 year has had more changes than any we've experienced so far.  Here's a recap of your year-  In the last 365 days, you potty trained, slept in a big boy bed, started going to school, rode forward facing in the car, took up soccer, learned to swim, became a big brother, loved Santa and could pass on the Easter bunny, have started to understand jokes and silly sarcasm, fell in love with Star Wars, decided food is over rated, outgrew a dairy intolerance, continue to play well along and enjoy make believe with brother...Wyatt, you crack me up EVERY day with your questions and observations.  You remember more than I do, and catch on to things I don't even know you're paying attention to.  You are an amazing brother to Wesley and Walker and are finding your place in this crazy house.  I thank the heavens every day that you made a family of four and stretched my heart bigger than I ever imagined.  To the birthday boy, who will tell you he's three today and quickly remind you he'll be four next!, happy happy Master Yoda birthday!  I love you!

Thursday, June 30, 2016

40 in and 40 out

Today marked the day where Walker has officially been outside the womb for as long as he was in...so it's actually 40w5d, but who's counting...for 285 days Walker, you have officially been in my arms and to say I am in love, well that would be putting it lightly.  Little dude, we're crushing this mama baby duo, you make mommying the best job in the world.  I love every stage of the first year, yes even the two hours of sleep you get in the beginning, and I REALLY hope to do it one more time (four kiddos will be a breeze Gabe!), but I have to say, this nine month old stint is certainly a ton a fun.  His giggles, his curiosity, his little "mama" when he's sad, oh man it's like music to my soul.

Monday, June 20, 2016

Swim Lesson Update

I am so pleased to say that all three of the boys are ROCKING swim lessons.  Wesley is working on strokes and side breathing, Walker has mastered an independent float and will work on the roll to float sequence this week, and Wyatt is blowing our minds with his willingness to jump in and swim.  He has remarkable swimming skills and can hold his breath for so long so the rolling onto his back is still a challenge but it is getting better every day!  We are so thrilled with everyone's progress and so so so thankful that Miss Angela is spending her summer teaching in California!

Sunday, June 19, 2016

9 Months Young

This is what NINE months old looks like!  Walker Owens, this last month you mastered crawling, the stair gates went up, and the little Legos went up higher. You've slimmed down to 19 pounds but still fill out your 12 months clothes no problem. You started swim lessons and have mastered the back float. You love water in any form, bath, pool, or hose, just not in a sippy cup. You've added watermelon, peaches, chicken, and anything else edible to your list of favorite foods. You continue to rock sleeping through the night and love when you get your morning nap, you tolerate "brother piles" when you're on the bottom, and love chewing on books. Stranger danger has set in and you look for mama whenever new people are around. We can't believe we're 3/4 of the way through your first year....happy 9 month birthday chunky monkey, we love you!!!

Monday, June 6, 2016

Swim lessons

We started swim lessons with Miss Angela again and we couldn't be more excited to have her back!  The big boys couldn't stop talking about her and Walker took to her as well as we could have hoped.  We'll see how Wyatt does this go around, he's always been a crazy swim student, but we're hoping this session is his session!

Friday, June 3, 2016

He's officially on the move

Walker has been scooting for a while now but today he lifted himself on all fours and CRAWLED!  Hand in front of hand on his knees he zoomed, literally quite fast for a beginner, around our house.  As much as we all cheered him on, I am pretty sure we're going to be wishing he was a little slower real soon!  Up goes the stair gate and out comes the vacuum on a nightly basis!  Way to go little dude, we're so proud of you!

Friday, May 27, 2016

Summertime and the livin's easy

It's summertime! Even though we're only in the beginning of our school journey, summertime still has a sweet ring to it! We have one week off then both big boys get to go to summer school together! I am so proud of our littles for finishing another year of preschool, they both loved their time at PEP and MDO and we continue to feel blessed to have this school love on our kiddos day in and day out.  And while I am pretty sure they are still just too little to be in school, the universe has a wicked way of proving me wrong time and time again....so if they have to grow bigger (why do they have to do that?!?!), then I have to say, I am so grateful they are growing up right before my eyes, in my arms, still seeking out my hugs for comfort.  This summer we will celebrate a five year old and a three year old, but for now, I am just celebrating lazy mornings with my baby, my two year old, and my four year old for as long as I can.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Another Year Under Their Belts

Today was the last day of PEP and MDO and the boys were all smiles with Mommy and Daddy at school!  We started off with last day of school donuts ( a wonderful tradition in my mind!) and then we all got to see Wesley's class perform some hit favorites like The Weekly Rap, I wish I was a Fuzzy Wuzzy Bear, and Bear Yoga.  Cookies and juice on the playground rounded out a great way to say good bye to another amazing school year!

Thursday, May 19, 2016

8 months Young

Sweet Walker Roo, this is the response you get when Mama waits until 5 minutes past bedtime to take the photos and you're placed in your crib before having any milk!  At 8 months old, you have eight teeth, a few more on the way, and weigh 21 pounds.  You have taken to solid foods and will eat anything you can get your hands on.  Some favs include bananas, strawberries, Cheerios, and apples in a mesh bag.   Milk is still your number one and being held by mama is your favorite past time.  You zoom around the house in your walker, you have figured out how to open the cabinets (but your walker keeps them from opening all the way!) and you are now very aware of when you are left alone and you do not want to have any part of it.  You continue to sleep like a champ, loving your 6:15 bedtime, and would probably thrive on a consistent nap schedule, but brothers make that tricky.  You were my only one who slept in, but you've joined your brothers and wake around 6:30 these days.  You are learning how to wave, say more and all done in baby sign, and I am pretty positive you say mama all the time.  You are THIS CLOSE to crawling and can rock back and forth on all fours and spin 360 degrees.  You are simply the happiest chunky monkey around and we can't get enough of you.  Walker Roo, happy 8 months birthday, we love you baby brother.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

7 Months Young

Walker Roo, you now have 5.5 teeth, sit up unassisted, spend all day on your tummy rocking back and forth on all fours trying to figure out just how to crawl forward.  You weigh in at 20 pounds and have have started eating any and all solid foods you can get your hands on.  You literally laugh out loud at your brothers and every stranger is guaranteed a huge smile if they talk to you.  You sleep pretty well most nights and no longer like the paci.  Sweet baby boy, somehow in seven short months you've managed to melt my heart every day and your cuddles are some of the best ever.  We love you chunks!

Saturday, March 26, 2016


We decided a Legoland adventure was what we needed this spring break and we couldn't have been more right!!!  The boys LOVED every second of the hotel, complete with a disco ball elevator and their own private room with bunk beds and a TV, and the theme park was amazing!  There were rides, playgrounds, water features, building areas, Star Wars land, and "play pen" areas to play in while you waited in line!  It did rain on Monday, which was the day we planned to do the water park, so we still braved the weather and were rewarded with being one of only four families in the whole park...the only bummer was we didn't bring any towels (although we had plenty that we had hauled all the way from home in our hotel room), because we were told there were towels there...and there were, only for $19.99 each.  In hindsight we probably should have bought one, everyone would have fared much better on the walk to the wave pool, but we still had a blast!  We also tacked on a trip to the beach and a visit to USD while we were there.  Flying with three kiddos, three car seats, gear for the beach, and suitcases with necessities is no joke, but in the end, we all survived and would go again tomorrow if we had a chance!  I think we may drive next time to alleviate the three shuttles, airplane ride, rental car, and general stress and headache of airplane travel, but we will be back...Disclaimer, three months after this trip, "going to Legoland with my family" is still Wyatt's nightly answer when we ask what he is thankful for...every single night he has the same answer, I'd say he loved the trip!