Sunday, June 28, 2015


Wesley has become obsessed with nipples...we're not a very modest family and as my belly gets bigger by the day there seems to be a neon sign saying "Look at Mommy!" all day long, clothed or not...well as Wesley has become more and more curious about the function of nipples, he's also taken to asking about every person we know and if they too have nipples.  I explained how mommies use nipples to feed babies and he told me he wanted milk in his nipples to feed the baby too.  He was then even more confused why he had nipples when I told him that boys and daddies can't feed babies because their nipples don't make milk...I wasn't able to give him a solid answer as to why he has nipples if they don't do anything, but in the meantime, his nipple and milk fascination continues...

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