Friday, May 27, 2016

Summertime and the livin's easy

It's summertime! Even though we're only in the beginning of our school journey, summertime still has a sweet ring to it! We have one week off then both big boys get to go to summer school together! I am so proud of our littles for finishing another year of preschool, they both loved their time at PEP and MDO and we continue to feel blessed to have this school love on our kiddos day in and day out.  And while I am pretty sure they are still just too little to be in school, the universe has a wicked way of proving me wrong time and time if they have to grow bigger (why do they have to do that?!?!), then I have to say, I am so grateful they are growing up right before my eyes, in my arms, still seeking out my hugs for comfort.  This summer we will celebrate a five year old and a three year old, but for now, I am just celebrating lazy mornings with my baby, my two year old, and my four year old for as long as I can.

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