Wednesday, January 20, 2016

ER Visit

Today was a long day...Walker did not tolerate any position other than in my arms at all times.  The older boys were craving attention and we were very lucky Gigi was around to help play!  I ventured out of the house with the baby for the first time just to take the boys to music class and get us both a little fresh air.  I am pretty sure he cried all day except for the one hour we were in class.  Well, when daddy got home he was alarmed at the side of his head which I hadn't seen all day because he was wrapped on my body.  I sent a picture to the nurse of his head at 5:00 pm and one from two hours earlier....they were concerned enough to tell us we could either go to Vacaville ER and get an ambulance transfer or try and drive ourselves...we hit the road within minutes, and for the first time since the surgery, I lost a bit of my composure.  We were admitted into the ER, elected not to sit in the waiting pod that just looked like it was filled with super sick people, and eventually saw a doc that called the on call peds specialist and with our luck, it was Dr. McNatt!  We were so excited to see a familiar face and have someone who was actually familiar with Walker's case working on him.  We prepped to drain the lump and by the time we got him secured down, it was almost gone.  We still managed to get some fluid but the doctor was almost 100% positive based on the quantity and color that it was not spinal fluid and probably just a clump of dried blood under the skin.  Nonetheless, he's back in a turban and I will follow up with Roseville on Friday.  Our sweet baby was so tired from the all day crying and lengthy ER visit that he feel asleep sitting up with his head in my hands.  Oh buddy, you are one tough dude!  This top picture is the photo at 3:00, the following ones show the lump by 5:00pm.

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