Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Bye Bye Mama

Somedays I just can't believe how big my baby is getting.  I actually had a dream last night that he was 15 and I had missed every birthday and I was still planning his 5th birthday when I was informed he would soon be driving.  The dream had a very twilight zone feel to it, but I woke up thinking that it was trying to remind me just how fast these childhood years go (can we say sappy pregnancy hormones these days, geesh!?!?)  Anyways, one of my favorite things Little Guy is doing right now is saying "Bye Bye Mama, Love you Mama" then he walks out of my sight making kissing noises- he quickly returns so he can do it all again and I am pretty sure there's nothing I would like to listen to more then my sweet boy telling me he loves me complete with kisses as he leaves the room.  This e-card about sums it up:

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