Saturday, September 19, 2015

D Day take 3...this time it's the real deal

I began having light contractions on and off Friday afternoon that continued into the night but never got overly intense or close together.  I labored through the night in different positions throughout our room and kept my sister up to date on my progress since she was working and I was pretty convinced she'd need to cut out early from her weekly shift...well, the night turned into morning, my sister came straight over after working the graveyard shift, my mom was here helping with the boys, and we all just waited...and waited...the contractions were real, but they weren't really anything to write home about.  I spent the time in my room, focusing on what my body was preparing to do and really trying to tune in to the patterns and timing of each contraction.  I knew I did NOT want to go to the hospital dilated to a three and I really didn't want to have to make multiple trips there as the third time mama who couldn't tell the difference between real and fake labor.  So we walked around the neighborhood, in 100 degree plus heat, ate lunch, had the cutest little medical assistants check my vitals and the baby in my tummy, and we waited.  Everyone took naps and Gabe told anyone who called that he was going to be a Daddy again today- I started to caution him on that one since we all know how long labor can be and the only prediction I had made was Thursday night I guessed we'd have a baby in the next 48 hours.  Finally at 4:30 we decided that the 5 minute drive to the hospital was worth it and they would either confirm I was progressing or send us home.  We packed up, took our last family of 4 photo and headed out....

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