Monday, February 18, 2013

18 months

I can't believe Little Guy is officially a year and a half! How does that happen??? In ways I never thought possible, he makes us laugh more each day, smile more with every glance, and slow down just enough to marvel in the goodness of our life. Motherhood has forever changed me and left me wanting to make every day even more special than the last. Here's a little recap of what our guy has been up to:
1. He loves his trucks more than ever...
2. And his Legos, blocks, and balls- basically anything you can zoom, build, throw, or most importantly knock down!
3. In a desperate attempt to tame the three wild hairs he has, we're trying out gelled far, gel is not the solution.
4. He's mastered saying "please" and can tug at just about any heart string for more food, stickers, name it and with a slurred "please" tacked on the end, we're putty in his hands.
5. We're still working on our animal sounds, but cow, horse, sheep, and dog are all mastered. Can you tell his daddy's a rancher?
6. He's finally almost ready to pack away his 12 month clothes...almost!!!
7.  He's made it back into the 50th percentile for his weight, coming in at around 24 pounds and 31 inches!
8.  I am embarrassed to say I can't say exactly how many teeth he has since he's not a fan of my getting anywhere near his mouth, but he's cutting his molars...that's another post in itself!
9.  Not to worry, his teeth aren't totally neglected as he LOVES to brush his teeth all day long!  He reminds me every night at bath time and will not stop chanting "teeth, teeth" until he's used at least 3 of his four toothbrushes!
10.  He loves counting 1,2...then he says "go" and has no interest in 3, 4, 5...we're working on this.  And his favorite post bath time activity is spelling his name with Daddy.  So far every letter is a "W", but he still lights up everytime he does it!

We love you Little Guy!  Happy year and a half birthday!

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