Thursday, December 26, 2013

Sick Babies are No Fun

It was bound to happen and truth be told, I am amazed and so incredibly grateful that it didn't happen sooner...our little loves are sick...and so is this mommy.  Between a 15 day international adventure, 60 total hours of international airplane travel (not to mention the domestic flights while abroad), nine people traveling together and sharing everything, late night holiday parties, and intense jet lag to combat, our boys came down with colds.  I wasn't sure if I should have been practicing extra hand washing or licking their spoons, but I knew it was inevitable that I would get sick too.  Daddy hasn't gotten it yet, he's avoiding us like the plague and sleeping in the other room- he says the man cave he keeps imagining would come in real handy on days like these...I told him I'd run to his man cave (if he had one) the next time he was sick...he said he'll stay at our house.  Poor Mr. Wyatt Bear doesn't know what hit him.  He can't breath our of his nose and he wakes up with his face covered in boogers.  We resorted to him sleeping propped up in our bed and Little Guy sitting propped up in his crib and so far that's helped, but we haven't had a good night sleep since the first Kleenex got used.  Little Guy is quite protective of his little brother and tells "No do that baby Wyatt Bear" whenever I take out the Nose Freida- we applaud his tenacity to defend his brother, but without a little snot sucking, neither one of them stands a chance at a decent sleep.

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