Monday, December 9, 2013

Table Mountain and The Pot Luck Club

          The boys headed out before we were even awake this morning to get a jump on their three hour hike...I think I am secretly relieved I had the babies as an excuse to miss that wake up call.  We headed out around 9 and arrived at the base of the mountain on what had to be the clearest morning we have seen so far in Capetown.  Little Guy was once again very excited to ride another version of a choo choo up a VERY high mountain.  The gondola up gives spectacular views all the while spinning so you don't miss any angle...I was a little queasy by the time we reached the peak.            Table Mountain is a site to be seen from the ground, but nothing compares to literally being above the clouds while you walk around on the top.  I was slightly (alright, terribly!) terrified that Little Guy would find a way to climb up and over the edge, but we were able to keep him safe in part to the help from Gigi and the Ergo.  I love baby wearing and I love it even more when other people are baby wearing my kiddos!  We spent a few hours at the top (there was some miscommunication about when we would be meeting up), had a random run in with people who know Scott and Lyndsay from Seattle (small world!), and had to forgo the group photo when rain started to pour down and lightening was striking- apparently seeing your hair stand on end while you can see lightening and hear thunder is a very dangerous situation!  By the time we made it back down the mountain, the rain had stopped and we were ready for a nap!  
          The boys took the kiddos home and the ladies (plus Brad) ventured to Green Square Market for some shopping...I scored some awesome "real" Ray Bans and a great new hat- spoiler alert, the sunglasses never made it home from dinner, bummer!  
          We kept our shopping brief and headed home to get ready for dinner at the Pot Luck Club.  Lyndsay had made these reservations months earlier and they were a hard ticket to get even on a Monday night...we planned to spend a few hours perusing the little shops and centers around dinner, but everything closed at 4 so we just munched on chocolate and drank wine.  Dinner was amazing, I am really proud to say I ate every single thing we ordered.  In a tapas restaurant I can be good for eating maybe a quarter of what is served but tonight I sampled every dish and they were all divine!  I especially loved my cocktail and apparently so did Mr. Wyatt Bear as he knocked it from my hand twice.  We jokingly say we're eating our way through South Africa, but I think the joke is on us, because we can all barely move after every meal.  We're packing up tomorrow morning and heading to the Winelands with a lunch reservation at Bread and Wine...

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