Monday, June 23, 2014

Cake Smash

We had Mr. Wyatt Bear's cake smash session today...that means we are just 9 days away from his first birthday.  I am not sure I can keep my composure about this for much longer...sweet baby, I can literally remember it like it was yesterday, still pregnant this time last year, not knowing when we would meet our little baby and wondering if we would have a boy or a girl.  This year has FLOWN by- is it possible this may have been the fastest year yet?  You have grown up so fast, and yet I can't figure out when or how it happened.  There was no moment, no event, nothing to say, yep, this baby is growing up...I keep trying to figure out, maybe remember even, when you stopped being the tiny ball of baby and became the little guy with a personality, curiosity, and energy to keep us going for days...Oh sweet love, it was a pleasure watching you experience your cake today...I am not sure that the cake stood a chance against the balloon bouquet Sarah brought you; in fact, I am not sure you ever even tasted actual baked cake, but you loved the frosting and your giggles in the balloons melted my heart and made your big brother laugh too.

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