Tuesday, August 4, 2015

National Night Out

We hosted our second annual National Night Out BBQ and it was another great success. Randy was out at the Lake County Fire so Gabe and I hosted it alone and I think we did a wonderful job.  Everyone enjoyed the food and the city did not disappoint with the SWAT truck, sewer trucks, police cars, police K9 units, therapy animals, Chik-fil-A, and a personal fire truck visit after everyone had gone home.  I think Gabe is secretly cursing my name while we prep and host this large event, but in the end, we're always happy we did it and are encouraged to meet new neighbors every year!

1 comment:

  1. Wow Tiffani; that looks like it was so much fun! My kids got to ride in a fire truck earlier this year and they loved it. It's not often they get an experience like that, so I was glad when I heard our local station was letting kids have free rides. Thank for posting this blog.
