Wednesday, March 6, 2013

A Perfect Day

You know those days that just seem to go perfectly...nothing great happens, but everything just feels right and you are able to enjoy every moment??  Well we had one of those days, and I just can't stop basking in how peaceful I feel.  Nothing major happened, but it started off with a baby that slept in until 6:50!  Yes, he fell asleep at 7:05 PM and woke at 6:50 AM; I was a little lost as to what to do with my extra alone time this morning.  We had a healthy light breakfast, played together, posted a few items on Craigslist and then headed to Kids Gone Wild with Noah and his mommy.  Little Guy had a blast running, climbing, and even conquering the giant slide by himself.  We came home happy and worn out, enjoyed our lunch outside on the porch (Little Guy had hummus for the first time and LIKED it!) and then did some quiet play time before heading upstairs for naps.  Little Guy needed about 2 minutes to fall asleep and then conked out for 2 hours!  We headed out to our first sale, SUCCESS, and then Daddy came home "early" to play and go in the hot tub!  Next up we sold the dining room table to make room for the amazing table Papa is making us, Little Guy did an incredible job eating his dinner (this is a praise worthy feat every night!), and we had plenty of wind down time just the three of us reading books after bath time.  Little Guy protested bed for three minutes and was out!  It's now 7:30 and my dear husband is grabbing me a sandwich so I don't have to cook and then we get to snuggle up and catch up on some recorded TV....I can only hope tomorrow brings me even half as much peace and serenity that today did, I feel very blessed!

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