Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Book of Mormon

Extra!  Extra!! Read all about it!!!  My bestie and I have a photo together...of the two of us...doing something the city...on a school night...what?!?!?!?  Crazy, I know!  Heather and I hit up The Book of Mormon this evening and Oh.My.Gosh was it hilarious and such a great night out! We both loved the play and admitted to feeling almost guilty laughing at some of the utter inappropriateness of it all- we had amazing seats and pre-ordered champagne for intermissions, it really couldn't have gotten much better.  From our perfectly timed BART trains, to the unseasonably warm city weather, pre-show entertainment on our trains, and six uninterrupted hours of girlfriend time...I think I see an annual trip in the making!

1 comment:

  1. Such a fun evening!!!! The whole night was a blast! Annual event for sure!
