Thursday, January 9, 2014

We've Got A Jumper

Little Guy is officially jumping out of his crib.  I thought it was a fluke the first time it happened (1/6/13 pictured below), but it's now an everyday occurrence during or after nap time.  The first time he did it I didn't see him get out of his crib, I just glanced on the monitor and saw he was not in his crib, but Olive was still laying in her bed, so I wasn't completely terrified.  I panned the room and saw him climbing on top of his dresser to get the "soap" otherwise known as lotion.  Somewhere around 10 pumps he decided he was clean enough and left the room...pretty soon I heard the baby crying and couldn't figure out what woke him up....Little Guy came down the stairs and when I went up to console the baby I couldn't open the door because the handle was too slippery- apparently Little Guy had tried to get in to the room and that alone was enough to wake the baby...During our week with Peyton, he jumped out and decided to go visit Miss P right after Auntie had spent a LONG time getting her down.  All you could hear on the monitor was him talking and her giggling before he left the room and she started wailing and he loudly informed us from the top of the stairs that Pey Pey was sad...I wonder why???  Well, now I am laying next to Little Guy until he falls asleep to assure he doesn't jump right out...oh the joys of nap time.

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