Tuesday, July 1, 2014

I love you more...

I have been buzzing around my house all day, starting and halfway completing most projects, as we get ready for Mr. Wyatt Bear to turn one...it's happening tomorrow, and I am going to be completely honest, it's made me an emotional mess.  Just the other day I read a quote about motherhood and young children that went something along the lines of "You'll never be as loved as you are now, so cherish every moment..." I know it's meant to inspire and remind us how amazing motherhood is, but it just made me even more sad to know that everyday they are growing up, and try as I may to soak in every last second, they are still getting bigger too fast and I want them to stay little.  I can't believe that the sweet innocent smile that melts my heart a thousand times a day was just a dream 364 days ago.  Mr. Wyatt Bear, I want to keep you small and precious forever, you make my heart so full with your endless laughter and joy- I know you are going to grow up (I can't stop it no matter how hard I try) and I am so honored to watch you explore your world everyday, so if I can't keep you little forever, it is with an unmeasurable amount of pride and unfaltering love that I look forward to seeing the little boy you're growing up to be.  I hope (but I know better) that year two slows down, I have a feeling if I blink one more time you're going to be asking to borrow the car.  Happy Birthday my sweet love, I love you more than you could ever imagine.

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