Thursday, April 18, 2013

20 months old

Little Guy is 20 months old today...YIKES!!!!!  I am not sure what is scarier, the fact that my baby is 4 months away from being a TWO YEAR OLD, or the fact that Little Guy and baby #2 are only going to be 22 1/2 months apart, meaning this baby is going to make his/her appearance in just over two months....either scenario is just crazy to this soon to be mama of two!  Here are some things we are loving about Little Guy today:
1.  Your complete obsession with your dogs warms our hearts- you can't get enough of "Winnie" or "Odd Ball" and now you even get to spend five weeks with Dusty from next door.  You lucky dog!
2.  While you still love Elmo, you are starting to identify other characters from Sesame Street.  Abby and Big Bird are your favorites after Elmo.
3.  You love to identify animals you recognize, specifically ducks and birds.  I am not sure how you became such a fowl lover since your mother can't stand those feathery friends.
4.  You want to ride your tricycle so bad, but your legs are just inches too short- I can't wait until you can start jamming around, I know you'll love the independence of pedaling your own bike!
5.  You LOVE LOVE LOVE airplanes.  You can spot or hear an airplane from just about anywhere.
6.  You love your crib at nighttime.  You cannot be convinced to nap in your crib, but you willingly jump in at night time.  You spend quite a bit of time getting comfy, sometimes rearranging your stuffed animals, throwing all your supplies out of your crib, or simply deciding to sleep at the foot of your crib before you finally fall asleep.  But you do it all smiling and without any tears!
7.  You are not a huge fan of your swim lessons anymore.  We're finishing up this month and then taking a break.  You still love the water, just not so much the organized class structure...
8.  You are however, still getting some practice with a class structure in our weekly music group.  You really could care less about the class, but you LOVE LOVE LOVE that Lizzy is in class with you!
9.  Speaking of Lizzy, every time we drive past the turn for Lizzy's house, you say "Bye Bye Lizzy".  I am always impressed that you recognize the turn!
10.  You love two letters, "E" and "O".  You love to hold up letters in the bath tub and shout "E" "O" no matter what letter you're holding.
11.  I love that you know how to "sideways" glance and then flash a smile to play our own version of peek a boo- it cracks us both up all day long!
12.  You love Cheerios for breakfast- I can't help but pass some of my odd eating habits on to you, and it appears my love for dry cereal has been passed down.  It's a lot easier for you eat dry cereal while you wonder throughout the house and honestly, I just forget to offer you milk with your cereal!
13.  You'll go anywhere in you wagon, period.  You love your wagon any day, everyday!
14.  You are using proper nouns now and LOVE to identify anything you see: Dada's hat, Mama's shoes, Bill's truck...
15.  You are still an avid reader.  Given the chance to sit down with a book, you'll take it!  We just have to watch you with the pop up books, they aren't fairing too well these days!
16.  You love to give your baby brother/sister kisses on my tummy, but you are quickly down after one kiss and insist on saying "bye bye" to the baby and covering my stomach up before we continue playing.
17.  You are running, climbing, and jumping everywhere!  You just started jumping into the foam pit at gymnastics and now that you see how fun it is, you want to do it!
18.  You have to end your day with "Brown Bear Brown Bear, What Do You See" and you get SO EXCITED on the goldfish page- you love that the teacher is next and then the nine children.  You shake your hands and grin from ear to ear.  We love it!
19.  You would like to wear your rain boots the store, the park, in the swimming pool.  You like shoes, but you LOVE your rain boots.
20.  You love babies and you love looking at pictures of babies, but when you see a picture of yourself as a baby, you don't quite realize it's you.  We're always telling you, "That's Wesley", but you insist it's a baby- I guess you're right, you are a baby in the picture, and now, you're getting to be quite the amazingly awesome big boy! We love you!!

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