Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Music Time!

Today we had our first music class- The instruments were a big hit, but I am pretty positive the highlight for Little Guy was that his BFF Lizzy Bug was in class with him.  His face lit up with a grin from ear to ear when she walked in and when she left class early, he was very concerned- he walked around saying "Bye bye Lizzy" to anyone who would listen.  It was just precious to see how excited he was to be with his friend!  He got a double dose of Lizzy Bug when her mama invited us to meet them at the park for a little afternoon play date- this crazy weather gave us an 88 degree day to muster through and I am already scared of the summer heat to come!  Grandma Patty stopped by and got to be the wagon puller to the park before we wrapped up our day with dinner and playtime with Daddy.

Here's an early shout out to the most amazing 27 year old sister I could ever ask for...National Sibling Day ALMOST overlapped with your big BIRTHDAY...alas, we can celebrate being sisters today and your grand entrance into my life 28 years ago tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. with every picture Wesley looks bigger and bigger! I can hardly stand it!!!
