Sunday, May 27, 2012

Diapers and Dips

Little Guy competed in his first ever Diaper Derby today.  We met up with Noah and Jackson first thing this morning for what was sure to be a fun time! 
After a brief delay (the fire alarm was pulled!), we were off to a great start with the baby girls 6-11 months.  Next up were the boys and there were so many of them that they had to break us into two heats...yes people take diaper derbying that seriously that we had to do heats...Anyways, Mr. Noah took second place in the first heat (YAY!) and Little Guy was up next.  Little Guy is habitually a SUPER fast crawler, never sitting still when I want/need him to (evidence now by all the photos I have of the back of his head!).
Once he started moving, he went every directon but straight- left, right, and BACKWARDS!  Needless to say, we had a great time and he eventually DID cross the finish line, 2 minutes and 56 seconds after he started.  Mr. Jackson was up next and he broke out of the gates with something to prove.  He was THIS CLOSE to crossing the finish line (Mommy was waving yogurt bites for him!) when he decided to take a rest.  A walker came zooming by to claim first prize, but Jackson took 2nd, which was pretty impressive since there were a lot of little boys walking in his group!  We're so proud of our speedy friends :)
Three minutes of diaper derbying will take it out of you.  Daddy got home from a long day at work just in time to take a dip in the pool with Little Guy before he zonked out for a LATE afternoon nap, and I was the lucky lady who got to hit up some Memorial Day outlet sales while they slept.
If this isn't the most precious sight to come home to, I am not sure what is!  Poor Little Guy is cutting some serious teeth (two top and one bottom), so he's been uncomfy lately.  This means more soft snuggles, but they're no fun when your baby's so sad!  What a day buddy bear, you are a champ!