Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Farmer's Market

I am not going to lie, today started out a little rough...which shouldn't be surprising when your day starts at 4:45 AM...Little Guy was in rare AWAKE form this morning, again, at 4:45 AM...but we rallied together after morning naps and had quite the productive day, him in the Ergo, me power-washing the backyard.  We roped Daddy into a Davis Farmer's Market trip (our first time!) and everyone had a blast.  
We met some friends from playgroup and enjoyed fresh fruit, live music, and plenty of grass to crawl around on (this was the first time Little Guy crawled on the grass).  As if this wasn't enough fun, Daddy was able to cross one off his bucket list: visiting the U.S. Bicycling Hall of Fame!
After such a fun day, who can blame a guy for snoozing on the way home.  Sweet Dreams Little Guy!