Wednesday, May 30, 2012

A few our my favorite things...

It's Wednesday and it's hot...really, it's only 90 degrees and I need to toughen up for the summer months ahead.  We hit up some outside chores today, including our porch and herb garden (both need to be finished tomorrow), and because Little Guy loves it so much, we also got out the vacuum.  I am hoping his utter love for this cleaning machine will translate to his room when he's bigger (hey, a mom can dream can't she?!?)
His FAVORITE "toy"
Apparently I can't get enough of Davis (I secretly would love to live there!); we hit up the Wednesday night farmer's market with our friends from playgroup and we ran into the Girimontes.  We haven't seen Baby Iris in a while (or the rest of the G clan for that matter) and she is just too precious.  I can't believe Little Guy was ever that tiny, how can I already be forgetting that itty-bitty newborn stage?!?  
Little Guy was trying his best to be gentle, it's hard when you're just a baby yourself.
There were four boys and one girl from playgroup at the market.  All four boys were in rompers (again, it was HOT today!) and Little Guy was twinsies with one of the twins Ryan.  
What's cuter than one darling babe?  Two darling babes in matching dino rompers!
It was too late to share this picture last night, but here is what was waiting for me in bed (and I wouldn't have it ANY other way!)
Sleep tight sweet angel!