Saturday, May 5, 2012

"Oh What A Beautiful Morning,

Oh what a beautiful day. I've got a wonderful feeling, that everything is going my way"...I wanted to burst into song this morning when Little Guy yanked my hair to wake me up and it was 6:38 AM!!!  YES, we have finally busted out of our 5 AM wake-up rut!  Oh glory hallelujah!  So, with such a welcomed start to our Saturday, it's no surprise that our day just kept getting better.  We met up with our friends for the opening day of Vacaville Farmer's Market and the one year celebration of our local baby store Eco Chic Baby.  
Our wagoners! Noah and Little Guy loving life.

We were there an hour a tad early to score a swag bag and guess what? I was the first person in line to purchase something (no, there was not extra prize for being first, it was just fun!)  Fitted diapers and wool covers, I am determined to love you!  Because we love parties and we love rompers (I am a recent convert), we decided to dress our boys in matching rompers for the party, twinsies!
I am in love with Little Guy's new Livie and Luca shoes- the strap is a little snake with its tongue out!
We could only get one of the twins to match; Evan's already outgrown the romper he has!

We had to let the good times roll with a Cinco De Mayo dinner at the Santopadres- naturally Heather's dinner was AMAZING and for the first time the boys really seemed to play together and Little Guy didn't cry once with the loud noises!  We are so lucky to spend these fun spring days with such wonderful friends.  Fingers (and toes!) crossed that we're "sleeping in" again tomorrow!