Friday, May 18, 2012

Nine Months Old Today

Little Guy is NINE months old today!!  I can't believe we are three quarters of the way through his first year, how does time go by so fast!?!  I was just saying yesterday how it seems like Little Guy has been in our lives forever, but in reality he hasn't even been out of the womb as long as he was in the womb...crazy how pregnancy seems so long ago and so brief.  Here's a little recap of Mr. Nine Month Old:
You are still loving on "Good Night Gorilla", although Daddy is trying to introduce some new bedtime reading material.  Your favorite toy fluctuates between your push cart, blocks, or toy ambulance...really anything that you can push around or has wheels.  You head to bed at 7:00 and wake up at 6:00, bright and early!  Your smile is infectious, your kisses the sweetest, and your fake cough and cry crack us up everyday.  Here's to the last trimester of year one, we love you!