Tuesday, May 29, 2012

No car, No problem

The Armada was getting pretty today so we were without wheels ALL day!  Not to worry, we hitched a ride with Noah and his mommy to playgroup and we crossed MANY projects off our to-do list.  Playgroup is such a kick these days, because, a) our kiddos are actually starting to PLAY! and b) it is too much fun to watch all the babies growing up week by week.  Just last week babies that weren't even sitting up a month ago are CRAWLING everywhere!  I love seeing Little Guy interact with his buddies, maybe some of them will be in our graduation pictures 18 years from now (too sad to think about that already!).  Anywho, we have to put the gate up now because we have SO many crawling curious boys and they all stand around it, plotting for a way to "break out!"  We weren't quick enough to get a shot with all the boys, but here's Little Guy with his buddy Noah

Back home we worked on new drapes, MANY thank you notes, a backyard picnic table, dishes, laundry and closet organization....phew, we got a lot done, and hopefully we can wrap it all up tomorrow!  With all that work, we managed to squeeze in some impromtu karoke (Little Guy just can't get enough of my crooning, I need to take adavantage of this while I can!), but I couldn't convince Little Guy to take a break from the action for a nap...Mommy's hoping that we have another great day tomorrow, WITH a nap included!