Friday, January 18, 2013

The Baby Shower

Today was the big day, Auntie Katie's baby shower!  I'll be blogging it all over at Teaspoons and Twine, but in the meantime, I can recap it by saying everything turned out just how I had imagined and I think Katie loved being surrounded by her close friends as she gets ready to become a mommy.  I didn't get even one photo with the mommy to be (how does that always seem to happen?!?), but I am hoping next weekend to get a few!  Little Guy was a rock star, napping before the guests got there and ready to party and open gifts when he woke up.  We can't wait to meet Baby Mirch...Daddy thinks she'll be a little girl, I am still thinking little boy.  Daddy says since Auntie Katie is SO MUCH SMALLER at 31 weeks than I was with Little Guy, she must be having a girl...we shall see!

1 comment:

  1. 32 weeks!
    And the day far exceeded all of my expectations- and they were already high to begin with! THANK YOU! I can't wait for more celebrating in the next week, followed by what is sure to be a very fast February...Baby Mirch will be here before we know it!
    Love you, sister.
