Sunday, February 12, 2012

Jackhammering, IKEA, No Naps, Ear Wax...

What do these all have in common?  They were all a part of our weekend, and needless to say, it was a loud weekend at that.  The pool project is coming along quickly, which is a good thing, since mommy is wearing thin with the interrupted nap schedule.  IKEA on a Saturday is always a gamble, even when you get there promptly at the opening hour.  And when you travel all that way for two brackets and somehow in the WHOLE ENTIRE STORE there is only one bracket, well, let's just say it makes for a long drive home.  To help offset the feeling of defeat, I went ahead and bought a heaping cart full of crap valuable items that I am sure I will find some use for when I realize, that I do in fact, need another glass jar to hold some cherished craft supply.  Between jackhammering, IKEA, and project window replacement ( thank you Dad), Little Guy got next to nothing when it came to quality nap time, which in turn led to a bad night's sleep, leading to a grumpy baby and a repeat of this cycle for two days...I hate to say it a loud, but tonight is already shaping up better than the last two, so let's hope that Little Guy is feeling the Valentine's Day spirit and showing his mommy some love.  The ear wax sealed up the weekend- Auntie Katie came to visit (we hadn't seen her since her raging vacay to Mexico- Little Guy wasn't sure who the bronzed beauty was when she got here) and we tried to clean Daddy's ears.  We didn't have the right tools and he wasn't a very agreeable patient, but it made Auntie Katie and me laugh!  Alas, we also threw in a nice walk with Daddy (in an effort to lull Little Guy to sleep) and some play dates with friends and family.  Here's to a Valentine's Day week filled with SLEEP, SLEEP and more SLEEP...and love, for all of you without a cranky newborn in your house.

1 comment:

  1. I got a kick out of reading about the ear wax gave me yet another good laugh! And reading about myself in a blog makes me feel every bit the celebrity I know I am.
