Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Love is in the air

Happy Valentine's Day.  In true lover's fashion, my dear hubby brought me Valentine's Day breakfast in bed, love.  Not wanting to ruin this relaxing trend, I decided Little Guy and I would treat today as a lazy leisure day.  I could not find my motivation ANYWHERE, so instead of humming around the house not doing our chores, we went to the park.

We're trying out a different nap schedule, oh help us...but with that new schedule, comes a slightly later bedtime.  I can't decide how I feel about a later bedtime- right now Little Guy happily goes down at 6:00 on the dot, no worries.  But he hasn't been staying asleep for very long, so we're changing it up a little and tonight he napped from 5:30 to 6:15, bedtime at 7:30.  It took him a lot longer (40 plus minutes of rocking/soothing) to fall asleep, but we'll see if it makes a long term difference. 

When did I become the woman so obsessed with napping and sleeping, that she would write a whole boring paragraph about it?!?  I am not sure, but I imagine it won't be the last paragraph I write on the subject.  In the meantime, I'll try to keep it more exciting...Thursday I am hosting the first play group for six to twelve month old babes...if that's not exciting, then I don't know what is ;)