Monday, June 18, 2012

10 months old

I am really hoping/praying that Little Guy takes to academia and pursues his higher education...but just in case, he needs a back-up plan... In honor of his 10 month birthday (YIKES!), a top ten list of other avenues to pursue based on his current skills and interests:

10.  A member of the Chinese acrobat team...he finds himself in the smallest, oddest places; today it was the bathroom drawer (and yes, He got himself into the drawer all on his own)

9.  A stunt man...any kind of stunt...anytime....anywhere

8.  A lead role in the latest drama series- this kid can turn it on when it counts...

7.  Professional toy tester of anything with wheels...if you can push it, pull it, or slam run it into a wall, Little Guy is all over it.

6.  Taste tester of anything you want to claim is could be chocolate or liver, he'll give you the same disgusted look for a 100% thumbs down review.

5.  Official Kisser of all bumps and bruises- Nothing, and I mean NOTHING, can fix a boo-boo like Little Guy's kisses.

4.  Invisalign Model...this is just a hunch, but at the rate these front teeth are growing, his new nickname may soon be "Bucky" and I think we could be funding the local orthodontist next vacay...

3.  Energy Activist-  Little Guy does his part (and then some!) to make sure we unplug all electronics at all times, whether they are in use or not...not so great for office work, but a real savings on the PG&E bill.

2.  Interior Decorator- if it's not bolted to the floor or wall, Little Guy has a better idea of where it should be...this usually involves clearing off whole sections of tables and chairs before he pushes them to their new location.

1.  Private Investigator or personal inventor...if there's something to be discovered, Little Guy is on it...the less baby friendly, the more desirable and rewarding it is.

Little Guy, we hope whatever you, you do something you love...At 10 months old, you're excelling at your job of making us laugh and smile, which we do while we're moving everything up to a higher shelf.  We love you!