Thursday, June 14, 2012

Swimmin' Time

We had a little swim play date today with our buddy Noah- it's finally getting to be legit pool weather and we are loving every minute in the water.  Little Guy and Noah played SO well today, at one point they were in the other room, just the two of them and their toys, playing together- it was precious.  Alyssa and I were talking about baby proofing (yes, as new mommies that is a very valid topic of conversation!) and we both said we are now in the market for toilet locks (and yes, they do make them to my husband's shock and dismay!).  Little Guy and Noah have figured out the lid and love to hear it crash down every time they flip it up...Here's to a husband who needs to remember to ALWAYS put the seat down from now one (win win for me too!) and to toilet locks that will keep Little Guys fingers safe and our plumbing unclogged!