Friday, June 29, 2012

Code Brown

We're going on day 2 sans Daddy...I am getting an awful lot of crafting done (Yay!) and Little Guy is perfecting his walking (or at least getting in a lot of practice), so we'll have a lot to show Daddy when he gets home!  Along with showing him all we did while we was away, we'll have to tell him this funny story:

Every Friday we have swim lessons with Noah and his mommy.  And every Friday Noah's mommy and I discuss poop...we have a 20 minute drive to swim lessons, and we inevitably talk about the boys and their pooping, specifically if they've pooped that day.  We are both PETRIFIED that will be the ones responsible for a pool closure and drainage...Well, today we were two verses into a water rendition of "The Wheels On the Bus", when Noah and his mommy made a beeline out of the pool and into the happened...CODE BROWN!!!  AHHHHHHHH!!!!!  Noah's mommy was so quick about it, that the crisis was averted with no pool closure or drainage, and minimum embarrassment...we all told her there's nothing to be embarrassed about, it could have been (and probably will be one day) any of us, but my fingers are crossed it's not us!