Friday, June 15, 2012

Early Father's Day

After a week off of swim lessons, we finally got to get back in the pool...This obviously made Little Guy very excited, and what do you do when you're super excited??  You wake up EXTRA early!  When you start your day at 5:50 AM, you're bound to have some tired meltdowns here and there...we weathered the heat and the exhaustion and by 5:00 PM we were ready for an early Father's Day BBQ.  Katie and Mark were the hostesses with the mostestess- spoiling us with ribs, steak, corn, and delicious dessert.  It was a nice way to kick off what my husband is now referring to as "Father's Day Weekend" (his original idea was Father's Day Week, but he didn't think of it until Wednesday, so we stuck with weekend....).  Little Guy loves dogs and he loves water, so when Ty Ty is around and there's a pink plastic princess pool (accidental alliteration!), he's all in!
Happy Father's Day to my Dad, the man who taught me how to hang a picture and make anyone my friend.  I am proud to have a dad worthy of the nickname "Captain Positive" and Little Guy is lucky to call him Grandpa.