Thursday, June 21, 2012

Catch Me If You Can

My husband and I seem to go round and round on our feelings about Little Guy growing up...I want him to stay little FOREVER!!!  and my husband is looking forward to milestones like t-ball and hitting the links together....I know my husband has a MUCH better chance at getting his wish and in all honesty, every time I say I want Little Guy to stay this age (whatever age it may be) forever, I realize that the next stage comes along and I love that stage just as much as the last...I know, I know, I am fighting a losing battle on this one, but I just can't believe that one day my baby will be big enough to hit a home run or strike out, to knock in a hole in one or maybe even break a club (let's hope not)!  Today we played a little toss triangle with me, Little Guy and Daddy- it was pretty precious/amazing that Little Guy understood the game and participated in throwing the ball (his catching is still coming along!) and got such a kick out of watching us play together.  And I guess if he has to grow up (tear!) then there's only one thing to the best team mom EVER!
 Hey Daddy, Catch!