Monday, June 25, 2012

Carmel By The Sea

We just got back from a mini vacay in Carmel By The Sea (no, it's not just Carmel...) Every year we're lucky enough to spend some time down on the ocean with my husband's family and friends.  We stayed in a new place this year, one block from the beach with plenty of rooms for everyone to stay!  We've watched these trips transform over the years, slowly moving away from the late night dinners in fancy restaurants, to all home cooked meals served after the babies are fast asleep for the night, and I have to say, I much prefer the latter.  It was a real treat to see Little Guy play with his cousin Henry (technically second cousin, but they're the closest things each other has to cousins right now!) - Henry is a busy boy and Little Guy was hot on his trail the whole time.  We got in a trip to the aquarium with the Santopadres and a couple walks on the beach.  It was a great break for Daddy from the daily grind (he even got to enjoy a round of golf!) and we could not have asked for better weather- sunny and high 60s everyday...I think the central coast is trying to redeem itself with me...Until next year Carmel By The Sea!  Here's a sneak peek at our vacation:

Tub time for Little Guy and all started out great, and quickly spiraled into major meltdowns...
Check out this cool jelly fish!
Little Guy was all about the aquarium
Daddy and Henry
Daddy and Iris- she is such a sweet little peanut
The aquarium is a great place for kids and adults- One area was just perfect for our little ones to get out wiggles with climbing structures, a slide, and a water cute are those aprons?