Friday, June 1, 2012

You All Ready For This?

Today we did something HUGE...something SCARY (for Mommy)....something I am not so sure I am ready for...Little Guy went to bed in his OWN room!  He has always started the night in his crib, then winds up in bed when he wakes up to nurse (and I LOVE this!), and then we wake up to his sweet love whacks pats.  Well, we decided that it might help everyone if Little Guy continued to start the night in his crib, BUT now his crib is in his own room (and we'll still get to wake up to his morning smiles!).  It's a small step, and to be honest, one I am not sure I am ready to take.  However, it was beginning to be a nightly ritual that no matter how quiet we were when we came to bed, we woke up Little Guy.  So in an effort to help him sleep for a longer first stretch and for Mommy and Daddy to be able to brush their teeth in their OWN bathroom, the crib was moved into his own room.  As I type this at 10:01 PM, we've already consoled his blood curdling cries three times tonight...we'll see if we're (I'm) really ready for this!