Sunday, June 3, 2012

Adventures In Boating

It was a classic comedy of errors (it gets funnier as more time passes)...we set out for Little Guy's first boating adventure this morning.  Thank goodness we decided to check the boat one more time, because when we started it, the belt broke...Cancel the adventure...or don't!  Daddy decided we would take the fishing boat (a perk to having seasonal boats!), so after a quick switch-a-roo of gear, off we went with a car full of babies, sandwiches, and sunscreen!
To avoid a novel length recap of our day, here's a short run-down of what happened next...
1.  Tire shredded on freeway

2.  Call AAA
3.  Find out we don't have RV coverage so they can't help with the boat (boo AAA!)
4.  Drive down the shoulder of the freeway
5.  Explore Armada until we find jack and tire changing tools (I can't remember their official name!) while Little Guy catches a quick nap!
6.  Spend WAY too much time trying to figure out how to get the tire jack out of the compartment in the Armada
7.  Jack up boat
8.  Change tire

9.  Drive to and dive into LAKE (two hours after our ETA)!  Little Guy slept through most of the drama and ended up loving his first trip on the boat, hating the life vest, and tolerating the chilly water with a smile.

I'd say hopefully the next boating trip goes smoother, but I am hoping we can sell this problem-prone toy SOON!!  Boating is fun, but our HEATED swimming pool looks mighty tempting after today's adventure!