Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Where'd the Turtle Go

Daddy came home early from work today...with a turtle...yep, a turtle.  He saved it from what was sure to be a gruesome death since it was none too quickly trying to cross a country road.  Little Guy was intrigued by the animal in Daddy's pick up, especially since Daddy had to wear gloves to wrangle it from under his toolbox.  This turtle had quite a snap on him and when he wanted to, could be quite fast (why he wasn't fast when crossing the road we'll never know).  Anyways, we gave him a bucket with some water and a fresh tomato to chew on and then went over to see our neighbor's new kitchen....Daddy joked the turtle might run away, but it turns out the joke was on us because when we came back home, he was gone!  We're hoping he didn't crawl into our open garage, we'll smell that soon enough if he did.  We searched the bushes, but there was no sign of our new pet.  Now Little Guy just walks around saying "All gone turtle, where'd turtle go?, Bye bye turtle"...Daddy's pretty beat up about it too, he was hoping to have him take up residency in Little Guy's water table...I think it's probably best for everyone that the turtle wised up and moved on.

1 comment:

  1. So glad you got some cute photos before Turtle scurried away. That hubby of yours cracks me up!
