Tuesday, September 17, 2013

You Are A Very Useful Engine

Little Guy is OBSESSED with Thomas the Train...he's going to be Sir Toppemhat for Halloween.  If you are fortunate enough to watch Thomas and Friends EVERY morning when you wake up and on occasion after a long nap, you are probably also fortunate enough to know most, if not all, of the words...and if you're lucky enough to quote Thomas, you're probably spending all your other free time playing trains...we live and breath trains over here.  So it wasn't odd, just a little funny, when I overheard Daddy quoting Sir Toppemhat tonight during train time before dinner- "That's right Wesley, you are a very useful engine indeed"- and this was of course done in a deep English accent.  All I can say is our Daddy rocks, and he IS very useful!

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