Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Just A Pretty Great Day

You know those times when your day is coming to an end and you think, "Gosh, today was a pretty great day!"?  Well today was one of those days.  Not for any one monumental moment or event, just from a lot of little things adding up to a pretty great Wednesday.
In no particular order, here are some highlights from our day:
1.  Introduction to Baby Signs class...Little Guy loved the toys and playing with his buddy and Mommy is a sucker for singing and parachutes.  We had a blast!
2.  TWO WONDERFUL NAPS for Little Guy.  I love when I know he is getting all the sleep he needs, and when he wakes up at 7:15 and takes TWO ninety minute plus naps, you know he's getting his shut eye.
3.  Our pool is filled and ready to go!!!
4.  A laundry list of  "to-dos" were finally crossed off the list.
5.  Operation Organize Pantry has started and should be finished tomorrow (let's hope for another day of GREAT naps!)
6.  Little Guy and I got to hang out and play together in this beautiful sunshine (my favorite highlight of the day!).  I love being a mommy.

And our great day all started off with bagels and coffee with Daddy: