Friday, March 9, 2012

You know you're a mommy when...

you FINALLY lie down in bed, stretch out your legs, and feel this under your sheets:

Little Guy has a small fortune in toys (thanks to his grandparents and doting auntie and uncles), but when there's cardboard around, watch out.  No light up, singing, bouncing, dancing toy could compare to good 'ol cardboard.  And thanks to mommy's habitual occasional online shopping, there seems to always be cardboard treasures in our house.

Little Guy's wardrobe choices have multiplied since starting cloth diapers...he can now fill out the 6-12 month pants with the help of the padded fluff.  He broke out this new outfit today and it was PRECIOUS!

It was yet another BEAUTIFUL "spring" day...we need rain, but I just don't want to give up bubble time on the grass.