Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Night One in the Books

Well, night one went...it wasn't horrible, it wasn't the best sleep I've ever gotten.  We nursed at bedtime and with some water and a cereal bar at 3:30 am, we made it to our 6:30 wake up time.  His crying broke my heart, I'd be lying if I said there weren't a few tears shed on my part, but we powered through together and longer sleeping stretches are on the horizon.  I thought we had weathered the sleepless night pretty well, but guessing from the three plus hour nap we BOTH took this afternoon, we were pretty tired.  So we're at it again tonight, and I am hoping for a night at least as good as last night, if not better!  And even though we were pretty beat, we got all dolled up and headed out to our playgroup costume party!!  What a sweet sight to see all our babes dressed up.  There were tigers, bam-bams, sharks, monkeys, lions, flowers, and Woody.  The group photo is coming, EVERY last one of the babes was SCREAMING, but here's a solo shot.  I can't wait to see our whole Toy Story gang dressed up tomorrow!

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