Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Eight Months Old

We can't believe our baby is growing up so fast...Little Guy is EIGHT months old today!  So, in honor of your monumental day Little Guy, here are eight fun facts about you right now:
1.  You now gives kisses- this entails you lifting your lips in the general direction of Mommy or Daddy's face and and then leaning in for some lovin'...sometimes, if we're lucky, they're extra slobbery!
2.  You have aged out of free swim lessons :(  Today was our last day with Miss Rose, but we start next month with Miss Chris and we're very excited!
3.  You started clapping this week.  It's a closed fist clap, but it's a clap nonetheless, and you applaud at all the appropriate times (with some coaxing from mom and dad).
4.   Your favorite bedtime story is Good Night Gorilla read by Daddy.

5.  The coffee table has been relinquished to the garage, the garbage cans have been replaced, and the dog food has been relocated outside...You are anywhere and everywhere with your crawling and climbing...we're taking bets on when you'll start walking.  I say before the 4th of July.  Auntie Katie says before the end of May...let's hope I win!
6.  Daddy is pretty POSITIVE you've said your first word, and naturally it's "Da-da".  I'll let him think that, but it's not going to stop us from our daily "Mommy, Mommy, Mommy" practice.
7.  I know the sleep gods will curse me as soon as I type these next few words,'ve kind of got a nap schedule down and you're a big fan of your 7:00 bedtime!  Now if only we could kick the 5:45 AM wake-up habit...
8.  You keep a very packed social calendar.  We fill our days with playgroups, swim lessons, stroller dates, play dates, and soon gymnastics time! 

Eight Months Old and in pre-naptime meltdown mode

And one extra fun fact for your eight month...we love you Little Guy, more than anything.