Thursday, April 5, 2012

Photo Thursday

Apparently I counted my lucky stars too soon...the dishwasher is still broken, and it won't be fixed before our Easter brunch.  We're toying with the idea of washing all the dishes with the hose, seriously.  And even though I am still stuck hand-washing, we had a pretty great day.  We had a great walk with some of our little friends and a fun time crawling all over and exploring things like the fireplace...If Little Guy wasn't in the mood to terrorize crawl around, he wanted to be held.  So he helped me whip up a new pasta dish and some delish veggies.
I love this bath photo- notice all the water has been drained out and he is still kickin' back relaxing.  He loves bath time.
There's no better way to wrap up a day then in your gorilla pjs with Daddy reading "Good Night Gorilla".  
My two loves