Friday, April 27, 2012

Pears and Kisses

Sound the bells...Little Guy WILLINGLY ate pears tonight.  He actually opened his mouth for more, AND  after minimal gagging, swallowed his food!!  

Daddy was in a golf tournament all day (more about this in a minute) so Little Guy had to settle for his second favorite bedtime story reader, me!  We read "Brown Bear, Brown Bear What Do You See" and what happened at the end just about melted my mommy heart.  When we got to "I see a teacher looking at me", Little Guy bend down to the book and kissed the teacher...I thought it was a coincidence, but we looked through the book again, and again when we got to her picture, he puckered up.  It just amazes me how quickly they pick up on things- I love that giving kisses is one of his first "tricks".

A special shout out to Daddy for taking FIRST PLACE in his golf tournament today!  We are so proud of him and his winner's plate- it is prominently displayed for all to admire.