Sunday, April 1, 2012

I am bored...

April Fool's!  I don't think I will ever be bored again...Now that Little Guy is on the move, there is NO PEACE.  It seriously went from scooting on his bottom, to a few "crawls" before bellying out, to a FULL-FLEDGED CRAWL.  No army crawl for this dude, just good ol' fashion up on hands and knees zooming.  He's discovered the TV cords, so a mismatching ottoman is residing in the family room.  He loves the safety stick we have in our back door and I am sure it's just a matter of time before he bangs himself on the head.
Our vertical blinds are perfect for shaking and crashing as they make such fun noises.  And why just look out the window when you can kiss it and try to shimmy yourself up it.

And there we have it, my lazy days are over...