Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Climbing on Up

What a day...I had cleaned up baby puke, dog poop, and the entire contents of a playroom closet before 9am...and to be fair, the playroom closet debacle was a result of my shelf hanging skills (not Little Guy's "cleaning" help) and I haven't cleaned it up yet, I just closed the door and called it good!  After what may be deemed a rocky start for our day, we ventured to the pediatric speech specialist for our last consult concerning Little Guy's potential food aversions- it's been decided he's actually fine and just a slow starter when it comes to eating.  We were dismissed from her case load (after I drilled her for hints/suggestions on raising a strong-willed/independent baby boy!) and headed to the mall for some retail therapy...which actually looks like speed shopping when you're with a walking one year old.  We exchanged Little Guy's Air Jordan's for a size 5, and let me tell you, he was looking ghetto fabulous in his high tops and flat brimmed hat they tried to sell me...needless to say, we passed on the hat...

We're staying with g'ma and g'pa for the night since Daddy is out of town- Little Guy tolerated loved playing in the sprinklers and achieved another milestone that will ensure I get even less rest in the future...he successfully climbed up onto the platform in his playhouse, first with the help of grandpa's arm (using it to pull himself up), then simply on his own...AHHHHH, HE CAN CLIMB NOW!!  A few months ago someone said to me, "First they crawl and you think you're busy.  Then they walk, and you're even busier.  Then they start to run and you think that's the busiest you can be...then they learn how to climb..."  I have a feeling they are SOOOO right...

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