Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Taking out the Trash

Being a single mommy is T.O.U.G.H!!!  The hubby is out of town for the week and Little Guy is feeling a bit clingy and battling some serious teething pain.  So aside from calming the sporadic hysterics throughout the day, I spent a chunk of time digging treasures out of the trash.  Little Guy is really into "helping" these days, including throwing out what he deems to be trash and reorganizing any basket/drawer/shelf he can reach.  Today I rescued a carbon monoxide detector, one TV remote (the other one is still missing!), a full tube of lip gloss, and a comb.  Any other treasures I missed will be gone for good, tomorrow is trash day!

1 comment:

  1. This made me laugh! What a great sidekick you have.
