Sunday, July 28, 2013


Sundays are quickly becoming my favorite day- we get to see Daddy all day and since we aren't of school age yet and I work at home, we don't have the dreaded Sunday night blues when Monday is on its way in.  We hit up the local park after nap time and Little Guy had a BLAST chasing his daddy over the bridges and down the slides.  My heart just melts when I hear Little Guy belly laugh while his daddy chases him.  Baby Wyatt was happy as a clam to be wrapped up wearing his sun hat.  Later on we did bath night and apparently Baby Wyatt finds the bathtub extra relaxing- he slept through all his brother's splashing and singing!  When you get to round out your day with your two tiny loves all slicked up in pjs and your hubby reading Thomas the Train in an English accent from the over sized nursery glider, you know you're pretty gosh darn blessed!

1 comment:

  1. "bath night" makes it sound like it only happens once every week or so! love the image of Gabe using an english accent-- sweetness!
