Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Happy Birthday Wyatt Clark DeTar

Our littlest family member has arrived!  It was an amazing, although slightly dramatic, experience that I am still a little in awe of.  We started our Monday (July 1st) with a trip to train town with Gigi, Auntie Cari, Jack-Jack, Madison, and Jack.  I knew I was feeling contractions here and there before we left, but I didn't think anything of it since I was still six days away from my due date. The contractions were strong enough to stop me in my tracks at train town, but nothing I couldn't breath through while riding the Ferris wheel :)  We hit up lunch afterwards and then I drove myself home.  My mom kept asking me if I was sure I didn't need to go to the doctor's office and I just knew I wasn't in labor (ha ha) so I sent her on her way.  I decided after naps to time the contractions just to prove to myself that I wasn't in labor...they were about eight minutes apart but not consistent, so I took a nap with Little Guy.  Daddy came home and we all went swimming before having BLTs for dinner.  We put Little Guy to bed and the contractions kept on coming.  We decided to call my mom just in case and she came over around 9PM.  By then, the contractions were closer together, but still manageable at home, so I kept laboring in our house, although at the time I think I was still in denial that I was actually in labor.  I called Labor and Delivery sometime around 11PM and they told me to come in if I thought they were getting more intense or closer together.  At that point, I decided we had to go to the doctor's and we had to go NOW.  Gabe wanted to shave ( I shot that idea down!) and take some home video of me working through a few contractions on our bathroom floor...once we got the car packed, we realized I had misplaced my keys and I was out of gas...so we unpacked the car and loaded up in Gabe's truck!  We made it to the hospital, not without me coercing Gabe to run a red light and Gabe driving through the ENTIRE section of handicapped parking and 3-point parking the truck before we started the trek to the second floor L&D.  I can't figure out why they put L&D so far from the parking lot!  We had to buzz security to let us in and of course I had a contraction right when they opened the doors.  When we finally checked in at 12:30 AM on July 2, 2013, I was in awe of the young woman behind me who appeared to be checking in to a spa, not about to give birth- I was hunched over the counter attempting to not strangle the receptionist who was asking me WAY too many not important questions and requesting a urine sample...I am not sure if they weren't hearing me, I AM IN LABOR, I am not in any shape to do a urine sample!!!  My goal was to arrive at the hospital dilated past a 4...and guess what, I was a SEVEN!  This ended up being a curse, as I later informed my sister, I should have come in at a one.  I was checked in and promptly requested my epidural.  And then I waited...and waited....and waited...and while I waited, I screamed, cried, yelled, begged, and pleaded for my epidural!  Well, other emergencies on the floor complicated matters and I never got that epidural.  My sister told me she knew right away when she walked in and knew how far along I was and still without drugs that I wasn't getting them- however, she kept telling me she was sure they were on their way.  I am pretty sure our nurse Mel wanted to kill me, I know Gabe and Katie could have killed me, and honestly, I could have killed myself I was in so much pain.  I kept refusing a check from the nurse, afraid she would tell me I was at a 10 and ready to push...finally I couldn't hold her off, and sure enough, I was a 10 and ready to push without drugs....I think I may have gotten three good pushes for every ten counts from Katie and Gabe, and after a few minutes, my water broke, shooting straight across the room (missing Katie by inches).  From that point it was on, its head was out and I felt like my body was being tortured beyond anything I was capable of handling.  I may have requested to be put under and the baby cut out, but thank goodness the good doctors, nurses, and coaches have their wits about them and deny ridiculous requests from the crazy pregnant ladies!  Gabe and Katie were cheering me on through every contraction, assuring me they could see a head and I was so close to meeting my sweet little baby.  With one more good round of pushing, Baby Wyatt was born, straight into the hands of his Daddy and Auntie with no doctor in sight.  Dr. Clause came in about 5 minutes after he was born ready to facilitate everything that comes post birth.  That final push was the most glorious feeling- I felt like a cloud had been lifted, the lights brightened, and I was ready to party.  I immediately apologized for my outlandish behavior and requested to see my sweet baby.  It was a stark difference from Wesley's birth when I was too exhausted to even sit up after he was born- this time around I was ready to nurse my sweet newborn from the first second he was here and I couldn't believe we had made it through the this whole ordeal drug free.  As soon as he was born, Gabe told me "I was right, I knew it, it's a boy!  His BS is huge...." and I couldn't believe that Little Guy was going to have a little brother to run and play with.  I was so nervous my whole pregnancy that it would be impossible to love another baby as much as I love Little Guy and just like my mom said, it is possible and I feel so blessed to be a mother to the two most precious baby boys I have ever held in my arms.

Mr. Wyatt Clark DeTar was born on Tuesday, July 2, 2013 at 2:57AM.  Weighing 7 pounds 13 ounces and 20.5 inches long, he is just a perfect peanut!!

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