Thursday, September 13, 2012

I need a drink!

What a day!!!  It all started out great...Daddy and Little Guy went to check out some cattle, so I got to sleep IN- I usually get up to get work done while they're gone, but today I decided to just sleep, and it felt SOOO good!  As the old saying goes, anything that goes up, must come while our day continued to climb, including a brisk walk, tiring play date, an AWESOME nap, and a visit from BOTH grandmas, I was getting more and more anxious!  I knew that after naps we were headed to the lab for Little Guy to get blood drawn (the doctors wanted to check his iron levels since he doesn't take formula)- Daddy already requested a sub for the event, so my mom came to help out.  IT WAS H.O.R.R.I.B.L.E...I cried...Little Guy was more annoyed that the nurses had the audosity to hold his arm down and require him to be be still for two minutes than by the fact they were sticking a needle INTO HIS VEIN!  Needless to say, I was a blubbering sweating mess by the time we left (and I wasn't even holding him!) so we decided we all needed ice cream!
Fast forward 40 minutes to our quick stop at the outlets...Little Guy is running around, smiles and giggles, when he falls and scrapes his knees...or at least we thought it was just his knees.  After about 1.7 seconds of crying he's over it and on to the next thing- a few minutes later I look down and see a giant swollen red lump on his forehead!  Poor baby hadn't gotten just his knees, but his face too!
I am not sure, should I be concerned that he barely flinched when he fell?  Good thing Daddy was home and ready to play when we got back.  A fun game of chase, a dip in the pool, and a warm bath make everything better!  Here's hoping tomorrow is a little less trying on my heart strings!

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